WordPress Experts: Your Partners in Digital Success.

24/7 WordPress Support at Your Fingertips
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Our Services

Get Help With Your WordPress Website

WordPress Site Fix

To Fix One Issue <30 minutes


- To Update/Fix Issue for One Website
- 30 minutes or Less To Finish
- Refund if Issue is not FIxed

Unlimited WordPress Plan

When you need more than Shared Hosting, but not quite a complete VPS.


- Unlimited 30-Minute WordPress Tasks
- 1 Task at A Time
- Daily Backups
- 24/7 Uptime Monitoring
-  Security Scanner
- Monthly Website Report
*Cancel Anytime - no long-term contract

WordPress Experts Ready To Help

We can help with making updates/edits to your WordPress site
& help with fixing any WordPress Issues.

24x7 Online

100% Guarantee

Expert Troubleshooting

Real-Time Assistance

Performance Optimization

Security Monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of WordPress support services do you offer?

Our Team can help with all tasks related to WordPress such as Theme/Plugin Updates, Adding New Features/Plugins, and Creating New Pages. You can send an inquiry regarding what you need help with prior to purchasing one of our services.

How quickly can I expect a response to my support request?

You can expect your task to be completed within 1-2 business days. Unlimited Subscribers will be placed in a faster queue.

Can you help with website migrations to WordPress?

Yes, we can help with migrating your website to WordPress or A New Hosting Provider.

Do you offer custom WordPress development services?

Yes, We offer custom development services such as theme/plugin development or adding custom functionality to your WordPress site. Please send an inquiry to our contact page regarding the project to get a quote.

How do I get started with your WordPress support?

You can select our "WordPress Site Fix" service to fix/update one issue on your Website. The Unlimited Plan is a monthly subscription to get Unlimited WordPress Help throughout the month.

What is your policy on backups and data protection?

For Unlimited WordPress subscribers, we do daily off-site backups to provide reassurance that the website can be reverted to a prior version of the website.

What is included in your 100% Guarantee?

If we cannot fix a task on your WordPress website then we will provide a full refund(For WordPress Site Fix Service Only)

Can I change or cancel my support plan at any time?

Yes, the Unlimited WordPress Plan is a monthly subscription that you can cancel at any time. 

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The Benefits of Using WPFixerPro

Expert Help

Our Team has over 10+ years working in WordPress. Get Expert Advice and valuable knowledge to improve your website presence.

Money-Back Guarantee

If we are not able to ressolve your WordPress issue then a full refund will be issued.

Fast Turnaround Time

Your Tasks will be completed within 1-2 business days depending on orders in the queue. Unlimited Subscribers will be placed in a faster queue.

Ready to Get Started?

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